Wireline Telecom Expense Review
95% of all telecom billing contains errors.
The majority of our engagements start with building a detailed inventory of voice and data services and spend, followed up with a comprehensive billing audit. Once the inventory is approved by the client, we review all charges, fees, and taxes for accuracy.
Contract Compliance :
C3 will compare all contracts as to they relate to your telecom expense to ensure all services are being billed correctly.
Error corrections:
C3 will identify and correct all billing errors after client approval.
Refunds and Recovery:
C3 will work with all service providers to recover all applicable fees and as such will drive the process of ensuring appropriate credits and refunds are applied to your accounts.
Savings Recommendations:
C3 will provide a detailed list of savings recommendations we discover during the audit process. Examples include services that are still active billing at decommissioned locations, old providers that are still invoicing you for past services, and current voice and data services with expired rates and discounts.
The goal of the telecom audit is to uncover areas where you’ve been overspending and identify significant areas to generate savings. These savings can be used to expand your network, upgrade customer equipment, and be used to implement innovative technologies. Or you can simply put the savings back into your budgets.